Related Projects
In addition to the General Plan, the City will also update its Zoning Code and Local Coastal Program (LCP) and prepare a new Climate Action Plan (CAP). A separate but related effort is the preparation of an Active Transportation Plan (ATP).
Climate Action and Resilience Plan
The Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP) will include a new vision for climate action, establish quantitative goals and tracking metrics, and identify programs/actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience.
The draft CARP was available for public review from October 31-December 12, 2022. Thank you to everyone who provided comments on the plan. Please check back soon for details on when the final CARP will be posted.
Climate Change Community Vulnerability Assessment
Natural Disasters and Climate Change Survey Results
Climate Action and Resilience Plan Virtual Workshop Recording: English
Climate Action and Resilience Plan Community Workshops Summary
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Survey Results
6th Cycle Housing Element (2021-2029)
While part of the General Plan, the City will update the Housing Element in 2021 to meet State requirements. This element will then be revised in 2022 to be consistent with the remainder of the updated General Plan. The updated Housing Element was adopted by City Council on January 31, 2022. The State is currently reviewing the element for certification.
Adopted Housing Element (January 2022)
Housing Element Technical Background Report (January 2022)
City Council Session: Housing Element Adoption Hearing (Meeting Recording)
City Council Session: Preliminary Draft Housing Element (Meeting Recording)
Educational Forum: Housing Policy (Slide Deck)
Educational Forum: Housing Overview w/GPAC (Slide Deck)
Local Coastal Program
According to the California Coastal Commission (CCC), the Local Coastal Program (LCP) is a planning tool “to guide development in the coastal zone, in partnership with the Coastal Commission. LCPs contain the ground rules for future development and protection of coastal resources in the 76 coastal cities and counties. The LCPs specify appropriate location, type, and scale of new or changed uses of land and water. Each LCP includes a land use plan and measures to implement the plan (such as zoning ordinances).”
The updated LCP will propose policies and programs that will help Ventura adapt to sea-level rise and reduce the hazards associated with coastal development.
Check back on this page for materials as they become available!
Active Transportation Plan
Concurrent with the General Plan, the City is developing an extensive “Active Transportation Plan” (ATP) that focuses on bicycle and pedestrian mobility and transit use. This effort will develop detailed policies, actions and implementation programs that will support the General Plan effort. To learn more about the ATP, click here to visit the official project website!