Plan Documents
Land Use Map (Fall 2023)
The Preferred Land Use Map was presented to Planning Commission and City Council in August, September, and October 2023.
Land Use Alternatives
In this phase of the General Plan Update process, the General Plan Team worked to develop a preferred land use direction that will guide growth and development until 2050. Part of this phase included developing different land use alternatives that could implement the General Plan Vision, address issues and ideas expressed during the community engagement process, and demonstrate different ways for the city to evolve over time. The alternatives are meant to spark a discussion and show multiple ways of achieving the outcomes identified by the community. These alternatives were a year in the making, informed by an extensive community engagement process that included identifying areas of change and stability in the city, the creation of the General Plan Vision (which was endorsed by the City Council in March 2022), and multiple rounds of engagement with the GPAC and public around future land use ideas.
At the end of this process, the General Plan Team developed a preferred land use map to share with the public, Planning Commission, and City Council.
Alternatives Background
Libro informativo de las alternativas
Land Use Designations
Proposed (Base) Land Use Designations (Old)
Borrador de designaciones de uso de terreno de la ciudad de Ventura
Proposed (Base) Land Use Designations and Current Zoning Correspondence Table
Alternative Summaries
Arundell/North Bank / Alternativas de las areas de Arundell y North Bank
Five Points/Pacific View Mall / Alternativas de Five Points y Pacific View Mall
Midtown Corridors / Alternativas de los Corredores de Midtown
Ventura College and Telegraph Corridor / Alternativas del Colegio de Ventura y Calle Telegraph
Development Projections - New!
Base Alternative - Citywide Maps
Core Alternative - Citywide Maps
Expansion Alternative - Citywide Maps
Distributed Alternative - Citywide Maps
General Plan Vision
The General Plan Team drafted a long-term vision for the City of Ventura’s General Plan Update, which will guide the City’s policy and planning development and implementation until 2050. It was endorsed by City Council on March 28, 2022. The vision is comprised of three parts: a forward-looking vision statement, core values that define the City’s culture and priorities, and a set of strategies to help implement the General Plan. Please review the General Plan Vision below.
Final Vision - English (March 2022)
La Visión Final - Español (Marzo 2022)
Online Mapping Tool
The General Plan Team put together a mapping tool for community members to access a variety of city data, including the Areas of Discussion, existing land use, 2005 General Plan, Specific Plans and zoning, high fire risk areas, sea level rise, and demographic information among other topics. Instructions on how to use the tool are provided on the welcome splash screen.
Housing Element
Currently, the General Plan Team is in the midst of updating the Housing Element to meet State requirements. This element will then be revised in 2022 to be consistent with the remainder of the updated General Plan. The updated Housing Element was adopted by City Council on January 31, 2022. The State is currently reviewing the element for certification.
Adopted Housing Element (January 2022)
Housing Element Technical Background Report (January 2022)
City Council Session: Housing Element Adoption Hearing (Meeting Recording)
City Council Session: Preliminary Draft Housing Element (Meeting Recording)
Educational Forum: Housing Policy (Slide Deck)
Educational Forum: Housing Overview w/GPAC (Slide Deck)
Existing Conditions Reports
In Summer 2021, the General Plan Team completed a series of technical reports that summarize current conditions and trends critical to the future of Ventura. The reports cover an array of topics, ranging from land use and transportation to the environment and economy.
Interested in learning more? See the list below to read the reports!
Land Use and Urban Design
Land Use and Urban Design Report
Subarea Reports (Subareas 1-6)
Subarea Reports (Subareas 7-12)
Arundell/North Bank Subarea Report
Eastside/Juanamaria Subarea Report
Eastside/Saticoy Subarea Report
Southeast/Montalvo Subarea Report
Environmental Background
Historic and Cultural Resources Report
Mobility and Transportation Report
Environmental Justice and Health Assessment
Community Engagement
Summary of Stakeholder Interviews
Summary of Community Council Meetings
Project/Community Background
Public Engagement Plan - English